Possible Causes

Below is a list of possible culprits that may be the cause of your infestation.  The best way to resolve the issue is to identify the source.  Once identified you can then take appropriate action to control the problem.

It is advisable to collect a sample and send it to your counties entomology laboratory for examination.  This is usually a free service to the public.  Samples should be clean, intact, and preserved in alcohol if possible. If not, a small container will do. Sometimes samples on tape can be used if care is taken to not squash, or mutilate the specimen.


Mold exposure has been known to cause a variety of health symptoms, a crawling sensation on the skin being one of them.  Follow the links below for more detailed information on mold exposure and its symptoms, remedies and illimination.

Search results to links on subject:   


 It feels as though bugs are crawling on your skin and maybe you're right.  Below are links to types of mites that match the descriptions of accounts from the invisible biting bug syndrome.  Some entomologists claim that some of these species don't attack humans.  However, isn't it possible a new cross breed may have evolved?  I think it's certainly worth investigating and the methods used to eradicate them may work on the IBB as well.

#2  BIRD MITES are parasites they feed on living organisms; the female mite needs blood to reproduce. They are attracted to mammals by receptors for moisture, heat and CO2. They are aggressive and they often bite humans when their original food source has gone; as when the young birds leave the nest. They can quickly multiply into thousands, leaving the afflicted person with the feeling of being overwhelmed. Once a home is heavily infested, they are very difficult to fully eradicate.


    birdmites.org  https://www.birdmites.org/

#3  BED BUGS are small, oval, brownish insects that live on the blood of animals or humans. Adult bedbugs have flat bodies about the size of an apple seed. After feeding, however, their bodies swell and are a reddish color.
Bedbugs do not fly, but they can move quickly over floors, walls, and ceilings. Female bedbugs may lay hundreds of eggs, each of which is about the size of a speck of dust, over a lifetim


    http://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/guide  /bedbugs-infestation

#4 CLOVER MITES are plant feeders that occasionally invade homes. These mites do not attack people, and although vast numbers of them can enter homes, they will not reproduce under indoor conditions and will perish shortly of their own accord. Since the conclusion of World War II, the mite has become more common as a household pest. This increase in activity may be related in some way to an increased use of lawn fertilizers. The soil nutrient level or plant vigor and the proximity of the lawn to the house are factors that appear to govern the incidence of infestation.

Adult clover mites are one of the larger mites that infest plants. They are 0.75 mm long, reddish or greenish in color, and have a greatly elongated first pair of legs (Fig. 1). Featherlike plates or scales are sparsely arranged on the abdomen. The mites are frequently encountered on windowsills on the sunny side of homes and will move about at a relatively rapid pace.
Clover mite


 Entomology at University of Kentucky  https://entomology.ca.uky.edu/ef627


Department of Entomology Penn State University  http://ento.psu.edu/extension/factsheets/booklice

#6  MOULD MITES a.k.a. Cheese Mites

Cheese mite.jpg

Tyrophagus putrescentiae

  The mould mite is a species of mite that feeds on molds. If you have a mold problem in your home, chances are that you will also have mould mites. Mould mites are found worldwide and have a very short life cycle meaning that they can reproduce rapidly. They will thrive in locations where they can find a source of suitable food which could be foodstuffs in your home that have gone moldy or mold that is growing behind your furniture, in the bathroom or in your home.
Mould mites can cause allergic reactions in humans resulting in itching and even respiratory problems. If you suspect that your home may be harboring mould mites then you need to rid yourself of them.
Throw out any mouldy foodstuffs and clean out the areas where the food was stored. Remove mold from walls and other surface by wiping down with a mould remover that contains a fungicide. Wash or dry clean clothing, rugs etc that may be harboring mold.
To prevent mould mites keep your home well ventilated and as dry as possible. Try to minimize the amount of water vapor in the home. Vacuum regularly to rid your home of the dust that can harbor mould mites or their eggs.

  1. Reference:  


     Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tyrophagus_putrescentiae




WebMD  http://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/morgellons-disease-what-is-it



WebMD  http://www.webmd.com/rheumatoid-arthritis/arthritis-lyme-disease

Other Itch Causes Include:

    Seasonal allergies.
    Sky dryness, especially in the winter.
    Soaps and shampoos used in bathing.
    Static electricity.
    New clothing, allergic reactions to dye's, chemicals.
    Airborne irritants.
    Dermatologic conditions.
    Reaction to medications.
    Systemic diseases such as diabetes, chicken pox, and many others.
    Excessive scratching that can lead to itches and skin related disorders.

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